After started to cover “BLD legacy exposure” in this Zweispace daily report, of Digital twin world, all four tickers up 6.38%-9.04% this week (Thursday to Thursday close.)

98.20(91.94) +6.80% – Blackstone Inc.NYSE:BX
31.06(29.80) +7.58% – Brookfield Asset Management Inc.NYSE:BAM
97.87(92.00) +6.38% – Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. NYSE:ARE
71.70(65.75) +9.04% – CBRE Group Inc. NYSE:CBRE



Gaza ongoing  ->  Bitcoin

Bitcoin BTC stays around $ 34,897 -1.58%

FTX, SBF trial. but not much change in price of BTC but down a bit.

Solana moving this week.


USDJPY 150.5 (-0.3, -0.19%)<- 150.8

USDJPY Japan gov, various measures on standby, including intervention. | REIT JAPAN



Symbol Last Price Chg$ Chg% Vol
AAPL 177.57 +3.60 +2.07 77,411,757
AMZN 138.07 +1.07 +0.78 52,462,116
GOOG 128.58 +1.01 +0.79 24,091,666
META 310.87 -0.98 -0.31 21,631,823
MSFT 348.32 +2.25 +0.65 24,349,313


Legacy world exposure ————

all up, 2-5%

<TIE> Build token legacy exposure
Traditional intelligence exposure (TIE)
– Blackstone Inc.NYSE:BX
– Mori Hills REIT Investment Corporation. TYO: 3234
– Brookfield Asset Management Inc.NYSE:BAM
– Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. NYSE:ARE

more detail of BLD token exposure is described at the bottom of this page

Symbol Last Price Chg$ Chg% Vol
ARE 97.87 +4.97 +5.35 1,593,694
BAM 31.06 +1.63 +5.54 1,738,850
BX 98.20 +3.45 +3.64 4,178,411
CBRE 71.70 +1.51 +2.15 2,363,998
Symbol Last Price Chg$ Chg% Vol
ARE 92.90 -0.23 -0.25 992,409
BAM 29.43 +0.76 +2.65 2,435,989
BX 94.75 +2.40 +2.60 3,922,831
CBRE 70.19 +0.85 +1.23 2,703,172
Symbol Last Price Chg$ Chg% Vol
ARE 93.13 +0.10 +0.11 1,405,461
BAM 28.67 -0.42 -1.44 2,235,948
BX 92.35 -0.03 -0.03 2,809,717
CBRE 69.34 +1.84 +2.73 4,104,213
Symbol Last Price Chg$ Chg% Vol
ARE 93.03 +1.37 +1.49 1,668,283
BAM 29.09 +0.14 +0.48 2,156,049
BX 92.38 +2.77 +3.09 4,067,918
CBRE 67.50 +1.35 +2.04 2,468,317



Symbol Last Price Chg$ Chg% Vol
ARE 94.00 +2.01 +2.19 1,107,119
BAM 29.65 -0.15 -0.50 1,572,613
BX 92.30 +0.39 +0.42 2,989,642
CBRE 66.46 +0.70 +1.06 1,937,556
Symbol Last Price Chg$ Chg% Vol
ARE 92.00 -3.57 -3.74 2,084,985
BAM 29.80 -0.90 -2.93 1,782,034
BX 91.94 -3.23 -3.39 3,472,663
CBRE 65.75 -1.08 -1.62 1,510,762

Zweispace announces Metaverse Light Speed ​​Construction AI project “Build token” with patents and more.

ZweiSpace, which develops and operates real estate blockchain, metaverse, and digital twin real estate, has announced a “build token” for the construction of the metaverse. Start accepting presales.
Japanese name: Build token
Ticker: BLD
Token structure:
Total issued amount: 3,780,000,000
Offering: 380,000,000 (to be offered in phases)
Contributors: 1,500,000,000
Project: 1,900,000,000
Contingency reserve pool: 7,400,000,000
Protocol: Zweichain (various public chains)
Field of application: Metaverse construction

Above is the image logo of the robot architect/appraiser app “Autocalc”.

Autocalc is an application developed and operated by ZweiSpace Japan Co., Ltd., which has multiple patents and uses AI to calculate the optimal building. It is a serious and talented project that has already acquired multiple patents and won the Silicon Valley Tech Summit.

This time it will be a token for the AI ​​architecture project of the Digital Twin Metaverse. Initially, it will undertake light speed construction in the ZVST Metaverse. We hope to see you in the Metaverse!
Information on entering the ZVST Metaverse, acquiring BUILD tokens, pre-sales, etc. will be provided in the VIP room of the ZWEICOIN wallet. Wallet registration is free.
In commemoration of this announcement, we are giving away contributor tokens by lottery to seniors and construction workers who are working without rest during the coronavirus and working hard amid soaring material costs. (Executives and employees of contractors who have started construction business as of January 2020) Please contact us after registering the wallet. (Deadline at the end of March 2023)

The BUILD Token Project will hold shares in the following companies for research purposes in order to apply contemporary industry knowledge and practices to the evolving industry in the Digital Twin Metaverse. (Stocks held may change as appropriate)

Project Name
Build (BLD)
Building and appraising in metaverse, digital twin.

The BUILD Token Project has study exposure to the following companies (TIE) for research purposes in order to apply contemporary industry knowledge and practices to the evolving industry in the Digital Twin Metaverse. (Stocks held may change as appropriate).

Traditional intelligence exposure (TIE)
– Blackstone Inc.NYSE:BX
– Mori Hills REIT Investment Corporation. TYO: 3234
– Brookfield Asset Management Inc.NYSE:BAM
– Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. NYSE:ARE

This project is connected to patents, tokens.

Patents :  3D and image processing related patent
Patents :  Commercial property appraiser related patent

– Thaler
– Gem

This project has but not limited to, the following risks.

The token has risk exposure like below:
– Some governments may create new regulations which could damage the value,  functions , and ease of use of the tokens.
– In case of natural disaster like earthquake, pandemic, the token may be affected in those utility, negatively or positively by significant amount.

Please consult with your legal or tax professionals of your associated country. Always assume it can go down to zero value, We may not be able to assess the unpredictable risk exposures, and may not be able to disclose everything. Please take your own risk in taking and holding this token.

ZWEISPACE JAPAN (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) was selected as a KPMG global innovation company, and received a startup award at a summit in Silicon Valley, the home of Plug and Play, which has bases around the world. It is a company that is evaluated and active in the world’s most advanced fields of real estate tech, construction tech, AI, and blockchain. Zweispace has obtained patents in Japan and other countries, mainly for real estate, construction, and legal applications in fields such as blockchain, smart contracts, and AI.

Japanese translation bellow —


プロジェクト名 ビルド (BLD)
プロジェクト内容: メタバース、デジタル ツインでの建設と鑑定評価。

< TIE >
Traditional Inteligence Exposure ( TIE )  伝統的な知識へのエクスポージャー

( 企業名 . 取引所 : ティッカー )
Blackstone Inc.  NYSE: BX
森ヒルズリート投資法人.  TYO: 3234
Brookfield Asset Management Inc.  NYSE: BAM
アレクサンドリア リアル エステート エクイティーズ.  NYSE: ARE

< 権利 エクスポージャー>
特許 : 3Dおよび画像処理関連の特許
特許 : 商業用不動産鑑定評価関連の特許

< トークンエクスポージャー >

< 保有リスク >
– 一部の政府は、新しい規制を作成する可能性があります。その場合、トークンの価値、機能、および使いやすさを著しく損なう可能性があります。
– 地震やパンデミックなどの自然災害が発生した場合、トークンはこれらの効用にマイナスまたはプラスの影響を著しく受ける可能性があります。

< ディスクレイマー >


ZWEISPACE JAPAN (ツバイスペース 東京都千代田区)は、KPMGグローバルイノベーション企業への選出や、世界各国に拠点をもつプラグ・アンド・プレイの本拠地であるシリコンバレーでのサミットで、スタートアップアワードを受賞するなど、不動産テック、建設テック、AI、ブロックチェーン分野で世界の最先端で評価され、活躍中の企業です。ツバイスペースの日本法人、ツバイスペース・ジャパンは、ブロックチェーンや、スマートコントラクト、AI等の分野で、不動産・建設・法律系アプリを中心に、日本や、諸外国での特許も取得している。