4物件に係る国内不動産信託受益権(以下「取得予定資産」といいます。)を株式会社エー・ディー・ワークス より取得

物件名称 取得予定価格(百万円)

A001 エルプレイス宮崎台 1,053
A002 JMR レジデンス新大阪 1,255
A003 K.緑地 990
A004 フィール白山公園・新潟白山公園ビル 1,600
合計 4,898

本物件は、東急田園都市線「宮崎台」駅から徒歩約 8 分の距離に位置するシングルタイプの物件です。
18 ㎡程の 1K で、コワーキングスペース等の共有スペースもあり、現在社宅として、一括賃貸借契約
を締結しています。「渋谷」駅までも乗り換えなしで約 25 分と交通の利便性に優れています。また、

JMR レジデンス新大阪
本物件は、JR 京都線「東淀川」駅から徒歩約 3 分の距離に位置するシングル、コンパクトファミリー
タイプの物件です。1LDK を中心に、48 ㎡程度の 2DK、2LDK があり、2023 年に大規模改修も実施して
おります。また「新大阪」駅や、 Osaka Metro 御堂筋線「東三国」駅へも徒歩圏内で、交通の利便
性が高く、都市部や鉄道利用で郊外へ通勤する社会人単身者や DINKS に高い需要があります。

本物件は、北大阪急行電鉄南北線「緑地公園」駅から徒歩約 11 分の距離に位置するシングルタイプ
の物件です。22 ㎡程の 1K で、一括賃貸借契約を締結しております。「梅田」駅や「心斎橋」駅まで
も乗り換えなしで約 15~20 分と交通の利便性に優れており、また、周辺には公園やスーパーもあり、

周辺には商業地域である古町エリア、行政機関、新潟大学医学部等があります。本物件の 3~10 階
は 29 ㎡程度の 1K、45 ㎡程度の 1LDK、60 ㎡程度の 2LDK があり、学生や社会人、DINKS に高い需要
があります。また 1~2 階は事務所となっており、地元企業やクリニックが入居しており、需要が見

詳細は、大江戸温泉リート投資法人のサイトへ、⇒ https://oom-reit.com/


Ooedo Onsen REIT Investment Corporation, for which Ooedo Onsen Asset Management Co., Ltd., serves as the asset management company, has acquired domestic real estate beneficial interests in four properties (referred to as “Planned Acquisition Assets”) from AD Works Co., Ltd. The resolution has also been made for lease, new asset utilization (accommodation facilities), and management of these properties.

Property Name Expected Acquisition Price (Million Yen)

A001 Elplace Miyakodai 1,053 A002 JMR Residence Shin-Osaka 1,255 A003 K. Ryokuchi 990 A004 Feel Hakusan Park / Niigata Hakusan Park Building 1,600 Total 4,898

Elplace Miyakodai This property is a single-type unit located approximately 8 minutes’ walk from Tokyu Denentoshi Line’s “Miyakodai” station. It features 1K units of about 18 square meters, including shared spaces like coworking areas. Currently, it has a bulk lease agreement in place for corporate housing. It offers excellent transportation convenience with a direct ride to “Shibuya” station in about 25 minutes. Within walking distance, you’ll find supermarkets, banks, clinics, and even a natural hot spring facility, ensuring a high level of convenience.

JMR Residence Shin-Osaka This property is located about 3 minutes’ walk from JR Kyoto Line’s “Higashi-Yodogawa” station and consists of single and compact family-type units. It primarily offers 1LDK layouts, with some 2DK and 2LDK units of around 48 square meters. It underwent extensive renovations in 2023. It’s within walking distance to “Shin-Osaka” station and Osaka Metro’s “Higashi-Sanjo” station, providing excellent transportation convenience. This location appeals to single working professionals and DINKS (Dual Income No Kids), making it a high-demand area. Additionally, there are shopping streets in the eastern area, contributing to a high level of convenience.

K. Ryokuchi This property is a single-type unit located about 11 minutes’ walk from the “Ryokuchi Koen” station on the Osaka Monorail North-South Line. It offers 1K units of approximately 22 square meters and is subject to a bulk lease agreement. The property enjoys excellent transportation convenience with a direct ride to “Umeda” and “Shinsaibashi” stations in about 15-20 minutes, with parks and supermarkets in the vicinity, providing generally good living convenience.

Feel Hakusan Park / Niigata Hakusan Park Building This property, situated in the central area of Niigata City, a designated city, comprises rental housing with offices on the lower floors. The surrounding area includes the commercial district of Furumachi, government institutions, and Niigata University Medical School. Floors 3 to 10 feature 1K units of around 29 square meters, 1LDK units of around 45 square meters, and 2LDK units of around 60 square meters, catering to students, working professionals, and DINKS with high demand. Floors 1 to 2 are designated for offices, accommodating local businesses and clinics, thus anticipating ongoing demand.

For further details, please visit the website of Ooedo Onsen REIT Investment Corporation: ⇒ https://oom-reit.com/